Did you see Bill Moyers last evening? He has returned to do a show on MPBN every Sunday at 6. He interviewed two men who have written a book about the huge inequality gap and the fact that it did not just happen; it was engineered by the government. The facts are very dire and reconfirm what I have feared for some time now. The occupy movement was mentioned and the last portion of the show highlighted it with interviews of people at Occupy Wallstreet. The next two weeks will continue this discussion. Bill mentioned that it is too early to tell if the Occupy movement is just a cry of pain that will not have a lasting effect or if it will turn us around such as the suffragette movement, the civil rights movements and the labor movement did. We are no longer a democracy. As a matter of fact the authors pointed out that we are on our way to being a third world government and are on par at the moment with Egypt. It is truly scary. Another thing the authors mentioned is that one of the reasons it has been allowed to happen is that we have lost our sense of outrage, hear, hear.


Posted on January 16, 2012, in MEMBER POSTS. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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